Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Getting My Training Done

Well, I am 4 weeks into my training plan (Yeah!).. Last week I had a great week with 18 miles under my belt.. This week I am off to a tough start since my hubby is sick (which puts a damper on my running plans).. Well, since I missed out on my run yesterday I had to make up some miles in tonight's run.. When I first got started tonight I already was struggling with myself (I kept thinking I'm going to barely hit 4 miles) .. Yet once I hit mile 3 I found my groove and  I started thinks I can hit 5 miles..  Here lately in my runs I have really been working on trying to increase my speed each mile and finishing strong.. As for my run tonight I think I did pretty good and looking forward to tomorrows run.. 

My Run
5.03 miles in 52:42

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hello Again Pavement

Well, it felt great to have the pavement under my feet tonight... I had some unexpected time off this week (Hubby sick day one, day 2 I came down sick :0/ ).. So, I have some miles to make up now, but on the bright side I am officially registered for the Route 66 1/2 Marathon (WOO HOO!!).. I really need to work on making every one of my runs count and staying strong to the end.. Tonight's run was pretty good (there were soon tough times but for the most part pretty good) and I tried a new route too.. The route I tried had some hills (Yuck!! hills are not a friend of mine but I need to do them..) and I keep trying new places to keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone.. So, training run #5 in done and I'm so glad I pushed myself :0)

My Run
4.05 miles in 42:39

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

1/2 Marathon Training has begun!

Sorry it's been a while since I posted. Things have been a little crazy lately around my house but I have started my 1/2 marathon training this week.. I'm following the 16 or 12 week RunHers training plan and I really think I need  the 16 week to prepare since this is my very first 1/2 marathon (Nov. 18th).. If you would like to check it out just click HERE..  So, today I finished my 4th training run and I had a little bit of a hard time finding my groove.. The weather was nice, but a little windy (at some points I felt like a cartoon character that was running so hard and not going anywhere, LOL).. Plus, I had little toe injury earlier this week ( darn rocks just don't watch were they are sitting) and it has made my runs this week just tad bit painful.. Yet, I kept a pretty good pace today ( all thing considered) and I just kept pushing myself.. 

Today's Run:
Tough but finished strong
4.03 miles in 40:27  

4.03 miles in 44:52

3.07 miles in 37:53

3.25 miles in 42:52

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Midnight Streak 5K

Well, I have kind of been in a running slump lately.. My daughters birthday was last weekend and I was so busy party planning it made it hard to fit in my runs.. Then, this week I just couldn't find my running  mojo :0/ .. Last night I ran in my 4th 5K (the Midnight Streak) and I set a goal for myself (I wanted to run the whole race without stopping).. Well, I have to tell you it was a tough run.. I really wanted to stop some many times but I reached down deep pushed past my doubt.. I was almost in tears after I crossed the finish line because I was so proud of my self for reaching my goal of not stopping!!!  Now, I hope that my great race will bring back my running mojo.. 

Yeah, I also got some new running socks..
I wore the pirate ones to the race.. They are just of fun :0)

My Official Race Time
3.10 miles in 31:15
Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Taking It Slow

Well, I haven't put in very many miles the last two days but something is better then nothing right?? Yesterday, I went out of my comfort zone and ran to the gym to meet a friend for a workout.. It was a 1.47 mile run and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.. The worst part was it was 4:00pm and pretty hot out..Once, I got to the gym I had a nice hour workout.. 
Today, I wasn't feeling so hot but I wasn't going to let that stop me from running.. So, I popped a couple of tums in my mouth and headed out the door.. My running friend joined me on the run tonight and it always makes my runs better when my friend joins me.. I didn't really push myself tonight,  I just had a nice slow running/walking..  Sometimes, you just have to take it easy and that's exactly what I did..

My Runs

1.47 miles in 14:29
Plus, 1 hr workout

2.95 miles in 50:00

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Tough Running Week

Well, it's been a rough week for me.. I've had to change my running schedule from mornings to evenings and it hasn't been smooth sailing to say the least.. By Wednesday I only averaged 3 terrible miles.. Then, I finally caught a break on Thursday when I got 3 1/2 miles in thanks to my running friend who motivated me to go for a run with her (I am so glad  I ran.. I really need too and it's always awesome to the support of a great friend).. 
Finally today, I got to have a morning run (YEAH!!! oh how I missed you morning run..) and it was an amazing run... Mile 1 was touch and go my negative self was already in my ear saying "Oh, your not even going to get 2 miles in, it's too hot, your legs are sore, and so on".. Well, I didn't let my negativity get to me and when I hit mile 2 thing eased up a bet (thank goodness).. Then, my dreaded mile 3 decided to take it easy on me today ( Woo Hoo, thanks mile 3!!) and I was finally finding my groove.. Next, I got to say hello to my old friend mile 4 again (it's always nice to see you mile 4) and my negative self stopped back by to try to drag me down again (saying "your feet are hurting, man, it's getting even hotter out here, you got 4 miles in you can totally call it good, and so on).. But, I kept pushing past my negativity and I'm so glad I did because I hit 5 miles for the first time... I'm so proud of myself for not standing in my own way and reaching a new goal... I hope to get a new schedule going this next week and I hope my runs will keep getting better :0)

My Run
5.04 mile in 55:28

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Color Me Rad 5K

Well,  this last weekend I ran in the Color Me Rad 5K here in Oklahoma City..  The race started with 5 minute waves  and wasn't a timed event.. They had color stations throughout the race were you got pelleted with color.. I have to say this race was a Color Blast of fun (but I did have some difficult moments through out the run.. More about that in a second) .. My awesome hubby ran with me and he really inspires me to keep pushing myself..  So, here's a pre-race pic of me..

I was totally digging the fun 80's vibe of this race..

Here's my hubby and I before the race kicked off..
They photography at the race was able to capture this amazing pic of us running..

This is me standing in front of what they call at the race a color bomb..
It really looked cool to see all the color in the air..

This is my running buddy Cyndi and I.. We had to take our picture together at home
because we couldn't find each other in the crazy, fun color blast of the Color Me RAD race..

Finally, here's our after pic and I can't wait to do this RAD race next year :0)

A little about my run...
,I started off great which surprised me since I always have issues with running at a new place... Then, about a mile in several factors can into play I had to shuffle around people who where walking (making running a little frustrating having to change my pace so much), it was hot, hot, hot with no shaded areas( I was not conditioned to run in the heat I usually run in the early morning.. Mental note condition before a race), there was a big hill I wasn't expecting, and finally, I really just let myself get to me ( you really are your own worst enemy).. So, I didn't run this race in the time I would have liked too (I think I could have done so much more better then I did, and disappointed in myself for not pushing through my negative thinking), but I'm proud of myself for trying ..  I will do better next year for sure..

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hello Again 4 Miles

Well, I was off to a late start this morning (forgot to set my alarm, YIKES).. I jumped out of bed and got to my pre- run routine.. So once I hit the pavement, I was off to a little bit of a rough start.. I just couldn't get my pace up where I wanted it.. When I hit mile 2 things smoothed out and I was able to pick my pace up some.. Then, my dreaded mile 3 hit and the groove I was in on mile 2 fell apart (dang it!! why do you hate me so mile 3?!?!).. So, after a little walking and a pit stop I was able to kick things back up.. Yeah, finally mile 4 we meet again old friend it's been a while and oh how I missed you so.. Mile 4 we totally need to run into each other more often..  All and all, this was a pretty good run for me even though it had it's ups and downs..I like to think that it doesn't matter how your miles go as long as you go out there and get them done..

My Run:
4.26 miles in 44:51

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Monday, July 9, 2012

Take the Bad with the Good

I set out this morning a little sluggish.. My alarm went off and I was wanting to yell "just 5 more minutes, MOM" like I use to when I was a kid.. Oh dang it, I'm an adult now and I have to make my own lazy butt get out of bed (dang the luck)..  So, once I got out of bed and drank my N.O.-XPLODE pre-training igniter I finally started to wake up.. Once, I was dressed, stretched, and out the door my run didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked (I Hate When This Happens!!).. My first mile was a little rough, I couldn't get my breathing or pace right.. So, in mile 2 I slowed things down and things started to go a little more smoothly.. Then my dreaded 3 mile showed it's ugly face and  had to terrorize me for 11 minutes and 5 seconds ( let me tell you it felt like I was never going to hit my 3rd mile and I wanted to stop so many times).. Finally, mile 3 was behind me and I was feeling pretty good for half a mile.. Then, my funk came back and I let my self have the best of me :0/.. Oh while, you can't win them all and the bad run days make the good ones feel even better.. I'm just glad I push my self for those 3 1/2 miles ( deep down, I wish it could have been 4 good miles).. I did manage to squeeze in a little workout time in and it made me feel a little better after having my bad run..

My Run:
3.63 mile in 39:01

My workout:
20 Squats
10 Jump Squats
15 Squats
10 Jump Squats
10 Squats
10 Jump Squats

20 Push Ups
10 Supermans
15 Push Ups
10 Supermans
10 Push Ups
10 Supermans

50 Bicycle Crunches
40 Mountain Climbers
30 Side to Side Crunches
20 Second Plank Hold
10 Sit Ups

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Runhers Maintenance Run

Woo hoo, it's Runhers maintenance run day!! I always look forward to my Saturday runs, because I meet up with a fabulous group of lady runners and we get our run on.. Today, I ran at a new park and usually my first run at a new place doesn't go to good.. I just have a hard time finding my groove in a unfamiliar place.. I am a person who likes her comfort zone, but it's good to push yourself by trying new places, Right??? I'm so glad I went running and pushed my self to go outside of my comfort zone.. The park I ran at was really nice and I'm looking forward to going back in 2 weeks (maybe soon).. This was a little bit of a tough run for me ( like I figured it would be.).. My body wasn't being a team player (curse you body) and my usual not finding my running groove happened about half way through.. Yet, I was determined to keep pushing until I found my groove and I did (Yeah!!)..

My Run:
3.36 miles in 33:58

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Unicorn Run

BEEP, BEEP my dreaded alarm clock is going off in my ear, and would so rather sleep in then run.. Yet, I make myself get up and I head to my kitchen to mix up my N.O.-XPLODE pre-training igniter to helps get my energy level up (and man did I need it today).. Then, I searched through my drawer to find that I have no clean running shorts (dang you laundry fairy).. Man, I this is not going to be a good running day I'm thinking in the back of my head.. Now, I'm dressed, stretched and out the door.. Well to much of my surprise today's run was amazing, my breathing was right on, legs were feeling good, and my inner runner wasn't hassling me to stop and walk (she can be a pain to tune out some days).. I'm not sure if my run keeper had a glitch or I just ran a unicorn run.. You know one of those magical runs that feels to good to be true and rarely ever happen.. Well, I'm sure it was a glitch but heck when life throws you a bone you take it right (wink, wink)..What a great way to start my Friday and I am looking forward to running with all my runHers friends tomorrow..

My Run:
 4.15 miles in 25:39

Happy Running
Amanda :0)