Wednesday, April 10, 2013

3 Weeks to Half and March Wrap Up

Wow, I can't believe we are in the 2nd week of April already (I guess time flies when your training hard, lol).. So, March was a crazy month for me.. I got a knee injury (inflammation on the inside of my knee where my hamstring attaches at the bone. It caused this annoying pulling sensation when a ran and it was tender/sore after my runs, no fun) which halted my runs for a week (BLAH!), but after seeing a doctor after a week of no progress I was cleared to run (YIPPEE!).. Well, kind of I really had to push my self and my runs where tough with a bum leg..  Thankfully, know that injury is on the mend for the most part, but starting a week ago I started getting pain in my left heel (I just can't win this training season).

So, here are my totals for the month of March:
Workouts {3}
Races { 2 }

Here are a few pics of the Month

 This is at the Run Lucky 5K. ( I was just I little excited, he he he)

 My race bling!

My new favorite snack!
 (oops, I just drooled on the keyboard looking at this pic)

 This is a shot of my 10 mile training run at Draper Lake. 
It was beautiful out there.

Well, I'm in the 3 week slow down of my training and I am full of all kinds of emotions. Since I am coming back from an injury my body is wanting to run more and then I am also nervous about how I'm going to do in my 1/2 marathon (you know did I train hard enough, are my breaks from my injuries going to hurt my time, will I be able to beat my PR, and so on....)  Well, last weeks was my last high mile week of my training (will it was suppose to be anyways).. Here's how it went:

Monday: No Run (severe back pain blew my chances to run out of the water , blah)

Tuesday:No Run ( back pain still)

Wednesday: No Run (back feeling better but crazy weather. Thanks mother nature!)

Thursday: Bob Harpers Extreme Cardio Workout & 6 miler ( Felt great to get out but running 6 miles after my workout my  legs/ butt were feeling the burn for sure..)

Friday: No Run

Saturday: 11 miles (This is my last long run before the half. My legs were really sore/tired but it was such a beautiful morning for a run.. I had some tough miles for sure but it was a great run..
 Here's a few pics of the day:

 This is a shot of mt campus run.
This is one of my favorite running spots.

Then, I finished my run will a yummy
 post run parfait and coffee of coarse..

Sunday: Rest Day (my heel was pretty sore after this run..)

 Good bye week 13 and I will tell you all about week 14 soon..
  So, until then I would love to here from you ;0)
Have you suffered a training set back or injury?
Do you have any favorite running spots?

Happy Running,
Amanda :0)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Wrapping Up 2 Weeks!!

Well, I know it's been 2 weeks (oh my, where did the time go!!) since I last posted on here.. So, I can't express in woulds how I feel about Week 9 of training but since pictures are worth a thousand word here's sneak peek of how Week 9 is going so far..

( This is Miss Tootsie Roll and I snagged this pic of her this morning, lol.. 
I am totally feeling this way this week do to my knee injury :0/ )

Well, I will share with you how the week shapes up or down later.. So, I know I just want to share a quick highlight  of how Week 7 and 8 went for me..

Week 7

Miles ran this week- 16.54
Photo ops of this week

 ( Yippee, post run stuffed frittat!!! I love my Norman runs because 
my motivation to run is the yummy post run meal after, lol.. What ever works right? ) 

(I have really been crazy over the color purple lately.. I got the new BROOKS Ravenna 4 
and I love them {my sweet hubby spoils me and I'm okay with that, lol}!!! I say this fun painting 
on the sidewalk outside Syrup. and I totally had to show off my new shoes/socks next to it.. )

(My kiddos had a kid training run this week and I love that I was able to capture them in running action..
It is so stink'in cute that they want to be runners like mom and dad..)

Week 8
Miles ran this week- 19.12
Photo ops of the week

(A gorgeous Saturday morning sunrise!! It was cold this day butthe view was
breath taking {or maybe it was the Oklahoma wind taking my breath away, lol.}.
Either way, it was a beautiful morning.)

(Check out those shades,lol.. This is my hubby and I at the Glow Run 5K..
 This was such a fun race..)

(Here's a pic of the start.. This race has been on my bucket list and
I am so glade they finally came to OKC..)

(How cool is this medal!! It Glows In The Dark!!!!)

Viewer question answered:

Carri~Abusybee -So I have to ask about your Garmin! My Husband wanted to get me one and I told him no because I just track with my phone, what are the pros to this watch? Do you not carry your phone anymore? I am so on the fence about it! 

Well, I was just like you and told my hubby I didn't want to spend the extra money on the Garmin, because I just track my runs on my phone.. Yet, since I started running unplugged I found myself fumbling a lot with my phone to see how far I've gone (because I carry my phone in my spi belt) and it started to be a pain.. I love having my Garmin!! It's very user friendly and makes it so much easier to keep track of my miles.. I still carry my phone in my spi belt just in case I need it..

Well, i the words of Porky Pig Th, Th, That's All Folks! For now any is
and until I return I would love to hear from you..

What is your motivation to run?
Have you or do you plan to run an races?

Happy Running,
Amanda :0)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Ooops, I'm runing behind again!!!

Well, where in the world did last week go?!? I know I'm a week behind, but I got super busy with Valentine's stuff and training runs{I know, I know excuses excuses}.. Well, I'm going to do a quick wrap up of Week 5 training and then get right to Week 6 training..

Week 5:

Monday-4.04 miles in 37:04

Wednesday- 4.04 miles in 38:06

Saturday- 5.02 miles in 45:47 {I ran in the Frigid 5 race on this day.. I did a 1 mile warm up before the race which was a first for me.. This was a tough 5 miler ( not my favorite racing courses) but my pace was pretty good. Plus, I had my hubby take me to my favorite breakfast spot after the race..} 
Here's a few pics:
 I didn't get a pic with the adorable penguin mascot like I wanted..
 I did get a cool pull over shirt with a cute penguin image on it..

I love Kamps 1910 Cafe'.. They have the best oatmeal & toasted coconut cream latte'..

Well, week 5 wasn't my best training week.. I actually missed a training run and skipped my cross training.. I'm not go to be to hard on myself, because life gets in the way sometimes.. All you can do is try harder the next week..  So with that being said, now lets get right into week 6..

Week 6:

Monday: 4:14 miles in 40:28min. (This was a nice and easy run..It was a little chilly out but not to bad once my heaters got warmed up.)

Tuesday: Rest day ( no cross training.. I know I'm a bum, lol)

Wednesday: 4.59 miles in 44:36 min ( This run felt so great I was feeling sluggish on this day.. Plus, it was a Wednesday RunHers group run day and I always enjoy running with great running friends.)

Thursday: Rest Day & Valentine's Day (I have the greatest hubby and I just love him so much.. He got me the best gifts and here they are..

 Yippee, I don't have to mess with checking my distance on my phone anymore!!!
Plus, I have been trying is out on my last 2 runs of this week and I love it!!!

 Oh yes, mama has been wanting one of these!!! I will have happy feet from now on..

 Alright, I have been drooling over these for Sparky Soul headbands for a while now, 
but they are a little on the pricey side for me (I'm a thrifty shopper and don't like to send a lot of money especially on myself) .. Luckily, I have amazing hubby that spoils me..

Here's a pic of me sporting my new headband.. 
I love that is sparkly all the way around the headband 
and it doesn't slip off your head like some headbands do..

Friday: Cardio & Core Countdown workout & 7.14 miles in 1:15 hr {I tried out a new Cardio & Core Countdown workout from Coach Sara this morning.. My run was a easy but hilly one.. I had a great friend join me on the run which made it so much more fun to test out a new route for my RunHers group.. Here's the awesome workout I did...}

 Cardio & Core Countdown
10 Burpees
10 Russian Twists each side
9 Burpees
10 Push Ups
8 Burpees
10 Leg Lifts
7 Burpees
10 Spiderman Back Extensions
6 Burpees
10 Vups
5 Burpees
10 second One Leg Plank Hold
4 Burpees
10 Second Side Plank Hold with knee Crunch- Right
3 Burpees
10 Second Side Plank Hold with knee Crunch- Left
2 Burpees
10 Slow Crunches
1 Burpee
10 Bicycle Crunches

Saturday:  7.15 miles in 1:14 hr {Well, my legs are a bit tired from yesterday's 7 miler but it felt good to get another 7 miles under my belt.. Plus, I got to run with the all the fabulous RunHers ladies and that always makes for a great run..

Sunday: Rest day 

Phewww, sorry for the lengthy post, but I'm so glad to be caught up on my training.. Plus, I'm looking forward to a great Week 7 (hope it's a great one), and I can't wait to share it with all of you later.. Until I return I would love to hear from you..

Did you get any running related gifts on Valentines day?
What do you do when you have a bad training week?

Happy Running,

Amanda :0)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Late Week 4 Wrap Up

Okay, I know I'm a running a little late on posting my week 4 wrap up... This was a really good training week for me.. I didn't log in as many miles as I did last week but I did do some cross training ( don't faint, I know it's hard to believe I did cross training,lol).. Oh, I also wanted to clarify what I mean when I say I ran with out my runmeter.. I turn my runmeter on but I don't listen to it.. I keep it in my spi belt while I run and I just check it to see my distance. I really thought running with out it would slow my pace but it hasn't at all.. I listen to my body more and on some of my runs my pace is even fast then my average.. I hope that made sense.. So, here's the wrap up.....

Monday- 3.05mile at 28:11 min.  (This was a tough 3 after running 8 the day before, but I wanted to get back on track with my training plan this week.. It was super windy this day but I didn't have to dress in layers which was awesome!!)

Tuesday-CROSS TRAINING, Yipppee!!!( I got up early this morning and did a 20 min. Ab workout.. Then, later that evening I got eager to hit up the gym.. So, I did 20 min. on the stationary bike and 20 min. upper/lower back workout..Plus, I was so excited to have a reason to wear my new Old Navy bubble tank, lol..)
{Don't look at my crazy post gym hair, lol}

Wednesday- 3.02 at 27:43 min. (1 mile of Fartleks/ Speedwork.. My legs were a little tired from my cross training, but this was a pretty awesome run.. Plus, I had my RunHers friends to keep me motivated..)

Thursday- Rest Day

Friday- 6:03 at 1:00:29 min.(I'm so pumped about this run I ran my farthest distance alone and completely unplugged {no music or runmeter}, woo hoo!! This was a hilly run but it felt good to rock those hills..) Here's a fun sock photo op for you, lol..
{How cute are these pirate cuties!!! I bought them from Amazon..}
Saturday- 6.07 miles at 1:00:36 min. (I ran the same hilly run as Friday but this time I got to meet up with my RunHers group which always makes for a fun run. My legs were pretty tired but this was a good run..) 
Here's a few pics for the day...
 {Here's one of the killer hills I ran.}

 {Another fun sock photo op!! I love my fun socks(in case you didn't know, lol).. }

Sunday- Rest Day (Much Needed)

Now that week 4 is behind me now week 5 is shaping up pretty good so far..
I can't wait to tell you about it later and until then I would love to here from you ;0)

Have you done any hill or speed work lately?
What would you rather buy running clothes or regular clothes?

Happy Running,

Amanda :0)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Good Bye January!!

Woo hoo, it's Feb. 1st and I am so glad that I have put a month of training behind me!!! January was a great month and I hope for the same for February with a few extra miles added to my monthly total of course..  So, here are my totals for the month..

Miles {65}
Workouts {6}

I don't think I did to bad, but looking forward to a new month with new goals.. I also wanted to share a great article of stretches beneficial for runners from RunHers Coach Sara.. Just click on the link below..

I hope you all are having a great week and I will be back to share my week 4 wrap up .. 

Happy Running,
Amanda :0)

Monday, January 28, 2013

OKC Memorial 1/2 Marathon Training Week 3

Well, I tried to get this posted yesterday, but it didn't happen.. My 5 yr old has taken over my computer and it's hard to get on it when his home.. Well, my training week started off a little rocky but ended up being pretty great.. So, here's how it went.........

Monday- Skipped my scheduled 4 mile run  (Yes, I skipped it :0/ .. I wasn't feeling well and decided not to push it .. Sometimes, you need to just listen to your body and not push it.. I did make some yummy No-Bake Energy Bites, and they are so yummy if you have a sweet tooth..) Here's a pic....

{The recipe is at the bottom of this post}

Tuesday- 4.06 miles in 37:26 (This was a great run for me but had to plug in (ran w/ music & runmeter).. The weather was perfect and it felt great getting the pavement under my feet after feeling blah for 2 days)

Wednesday- Rest Day (Now, I'm kicking myself in the butt for not doing cross training this day, but I did have a great date night with my hubby)

Thursday- 5:08 mile in 51:20 (I have some great running friends that I ran w/ on this day (thank goodness).. I really didn't want to run this day, but having my friends there to motivate me to get it done helped a lot.. It was a nice and easy run..)

Friday- Rest Day ( Boy, I was really lazy this week and didn't do any cross training.. I better step it up week 4..)

Saturday- 5.03 miles in 55:25 (Ran with my RunHers group.. I always look forward to running with this group every week.. We got to meet at Syrup. again, YIPPEEE!! It's so awesome to have a warm place to meet at before and have some yummy food (and coffee) after..) Here's a few pics..

 My fun Saturday running socks!!
Don't you just love polka dots?!? (snagged these at Target for $2.50)
Okay, my post run meal was Crunchy French Toast and Coffee(of course)!! 
This was so yummy (wiping the drool off my chin,lol)..

Sunday- 8.05 miles in 1:23 ( I had originally planed on running 3 miles this day.. So, I met up with my running friends again, Tried out a new route, and ended up doing 8 miles (Yes, 8!!).. The first 4 were a little tough (It was pretty windy.. I just kept telling myself it was good resistance training), but after I got past 4 miles I found my groove..)

No-Bake Energy Bites

* 1cup (dry) Oatmeal (old-fashioned oats)
*2/3 cup Coconut Flakes (toasted optional)
*1/2 cup Peanut Butter
*1/2 cup ground Flaxseed / Wheat Germ (I used 1 tbls whole Flaxseed)
*1/2 cup Chocolate Chips
*1/3 cup Honey
*1 tsp Vanilla Extract

Stir all ingredients in a medium bowl until thoroughly mixed.. Let chill in the refrigerator for half an hour.. Once Chilled, roll into balls of whatever size you prefer.. (Mine are about 1") Store in an airtight container and keep refrigerated for up to 1 week..

{Optional mix ins: dried fruit, nuts, ect)

Do you run with friends or a running group?
Have you tried a new recipe this last week?

Happy Running,
Amanda :0)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Little Late... Week 2 Training Wrap Up

Well, I know I am running a little behind on posting (last week was super busy) and I am going to try my best to catch up...  So, lets just jump right into how week 2 went for me..

Monday- 4.05 miles in 39:53 {hills}(This run was cold, wind, and hills kicked my butt.. But I will take a bad run over no run any day.. I also went to a Painting Class with my RunHers group.. OMG, this class was so much fun because I got to mix to of my passions crafting and running.)
Here's my work of art..

Oh, the class was at a restaurant and the waiter convinced my to try fish tacos.. They were super yummy!!! Why have I not tried this fabulous food (oh ya, I don't like fish, lol)?!?

Tuesday- Rest Day(Yes, I was a slacker this day.. It happens, lol)

Wednesday- 3.06 miles in 29:39 (1 mile of Fartleks/ Speedwork.. Oh my, this was my first time doing fartleks and they were very tough.. I thought at one point I my die or trip and fall on my face from pure exhaustion, lol.. I was very proud after I did them and I had some great running friends to encourage me to keep going..)

Thursday- 3.04 miles in 28:29 & 1 mile completely unplugged {no music/no runmeter}
(This was a tough run for me.. I had a lot of aches and pains and a bit of negative talking to myself.. Yet, I didn't let all that stop me from getting my miles in)

Friday- Ab Ripper X Workout (15min.) & Our January RunHers Meeting ( Our RunHers  meeting was fun and informational.. Couch Sara ( who's fabulous by the way) came and answered all our training questions.. I also wanted to share these  really cute running note cards w/encouraging sentiments to giveaway I made for  a door prize at our meeting.. I really wanted to keep them for myself after I finished them, because they really turned out cute, lol.) 
Here they are...

Saturday- 5.24 miles in 51:36 {Hills} (Ran with my RunHers group..It's always nice to have an encouraging group of ladies to run with you.. I am so excited that I was able to run the full 5 miles completely unplugged, YIPPPEE!!)

Sunday- REST DAY!!! 

So, Goodbye Week 2 and Hello Week 3!!
I'll be back to share my Week 2 w/ you but until then I would love to hear from you..

Do you negative talk to yourself?
Have you stepped out of your comfort zone and tried something new?

Happy Running,

Amanda :0)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 1 Wrap Up

Well, I had a super busy weekend and my week is off to a busy start too.. While, I ended my 1st training week strong I think.. I really been working on running Un-Plugged (no music).. This is really hard for me music is  my inspiration to keep running, but I have a 5 mile race coming up that doesn't allow head phones (lightly sobbing).. So, I have to condition myself for this and I'm sure it's will be better for me in the long run too(darn it).. Okay, here's how I finished my 1st week:

*30min Yoga Workout
*4.04 miles in 40:49 (I was trying a new route and there was a lot of evening traffic but had a good run)

*4.06 miles in 41:53 (Ran with my RunHers group.. We found a new post run hangout and I just love it!! Here's few pics:

 Okay, I just had to share my fun Saturday running socks..Oh, how I love fun socks!!
( Plus, I think they distract people from noticing what a hot mess I am when I run, lol)

Our new hangout is called "Syrup.".

This stuffed frittata was amazing and look at the cute little jelly jar you get w/your toast!! 
Okay, I'm drooling just a bit looking at this picture, lol..

Then, I saved the best pic for last!! My Coffee!!!! I totally run for coffee, lol.. If you look closely in the foam you can make out a tree (which is the symbol  for the OKC Memorial  Marathon).. Awesome right!?! I'm taking it as a sign the that this is going to be a great marathon training :0)

1 hr 30 min Yoga Workout
(I was suppose to rest on Sunday but I've been a putting off my cross training this week.. So, I got up early and told myself lets do this..)

  So, Goodbye Week 1 and Hello Week 2!! 
I'll be back to share my Week 2 w/ you but until then I would love to hear from you..

What do you run for??
What do you like to do for cross training??

Happy Running,
Amanda :0)

Friday, January 11, 2013

2013 1/2 Marathon Training Has Begun!!

Okay, this is a little off topic but had to share!! I love running and especially when complete strangers start talking to me about running....Honestly, I have never been a social butterfly more like a social hermit (no really) and since I have started running I have started coming out of my shell more (okay a lot for me).. I actually had a lady approach me at my son's school today asking if I was going for a run and when I replied "Yes, I am" she praised my for running.. She also told me that she had mentioned to her friend before that I was a "Real Runner" (which I don't think I'm actually a "Real Runner" just yet, but it was nice to be called one) and she told me she was wanting to start running.. How awesome is that!?! I love how running has made such a positive influence in my life and instances like today just reminds me of that..  

Alright I'll get to why I'm blogging today, now.. I have signed up for the OKC Memorial  Marathon (well 1/2 marathon to be exact), and this week I have officially started my 16 week training plan..I'm using the RunHers training plan found HERE.. With this being my 2 second 1/2 marathon I can look back and see where I need to improve in my training.. So, here they are..

Things I need to improve:
*speed work (when I figure out how to do it, lol.. Told you I'm still new to running & I'm still learning things)
*Cross Training
*Cross Training
*and did I mention Cross Training(LOL, I thought if I wrote it 3 time it would help me to remember to do it)

Okay, this is how my training has gone to far this week:

Monday- 3.05 miles in 29:37 (this was a tough run but still kept my time under 30 min..)
Tuesday- Rested (should have cross trained but did't.. Kicking myself in the butt)
Wednesday-3.36 miles in 37:47 (this was rainy and cold run but glad I didn't let the rain discourage me)
Thursday- Rested (should have cross trained but did't.. Kicking myself in the butt yet again)
Today (Friday)- Training commencing (details coming soon)

Happy Running,
Amanda :0)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

2012 Recap

Okay, I know I'm posting this on the 5th of January, but Happy New Years anyways, lol... So, I'm sorry I have been MIA here for several months , but I am going to try my very best to make more frequent posts this year (fingers crossed)... Well, in light of the new year it has me looking back at all my running accomplishments from 2012.

 My Running Recap of 2012

1) I ended the year running a grand total of 272 miles
2) I joining an amazing and very supportive running group called RunHers 
3) I completed (5) 5Ks (plus, I also completed my first 5k w/out stopping , go me!! It's the little things that count, right?!?)
4) I completed my very first 1/2 marathon (in 2:15 yippee!!)

All and all I have a pretty good running year.. Well, for 2013 I decided that I wanted to start the year off running.. So, I ran in a 5K (Blastoff 5K) on New Years Day with my hubby and some of my awesome running friends. 

Race Results:
Yes, I took a pic of computer. I had to document that I reached my best 5K PR in this race, Woo Hoo!!
I even got a new piece of runner's bling!! (What girl doesn't love new bling right?!?)

Well, I can't wait to see what awesome running adventures the New Year has in store for me and I'm looking forward to sharing my adventures with all of you!!

Here are a few of my goals for 2013..

1) Run in my second 1/2 marathon & maybe hit a new PR (OKC Memorial Marathon April )
2) Conquer some of the 5k's I fell short on in 2012
3) Try some new races
4) work on doing more cross training  and speed work
5)Try running unplugged more (no music and no runmeter)
6)Hit at least 500 miles by the end of the year

I would love to here from you..
Did you have any big accomplishments in 2012??
What is at least one of your goals for 2013??

Happy Running My Friends,

Amanda :0)