Well, where in the world did last week go?!? I know I'm a week behind, but I got super busy with Valentine's stuff and training runs{I know, I know excuses excuses}.. Well, I'm going to do a quick wrap up of Week 5 training and then get right to Week 6 training..
Week 5:
Monday-4.04 miles in 37:04
Wednesday- 4.04 miles in 38:06
Saturday- 5.02 miles in 45:47 {I ran in the Frigid 5 race on this day.. I did a 1 mile warm up before the race which was a first for me.. This was a tough 5 miler ( not my favorite racing courses) but my pace was pretty good. Plus, I had my hubby take me to my favorite breakfast spot after the race..}
Here's a few pics:
I didn't get a pic with the adorable penguin mascot like I wanted..
I did get a cool pull over shirt with a cute penguin image on it..
I love Kamps 1910 Cafe'.. They have the best oatmeal & toasted coconut cream latte'..
Well, week 5 wasn't my best training week.. I actually missed a training run and skipped my cross training.. I'm not go to be to hard on myself, because life gets in the way sometimes.. All you can do is try harder the next week.. So with that being said, now lets get right into week 6..
Week 6:
Monday: 4:14 miles in 40:28min. (This was a nice and easy run..It was a little chilly out but not to bad once my heaters got warmed up.)
Tuesday: Rest day ( no cross training.. I know I'm a bum, lol)
Wednesday: 4.59 miles in 44:36 min ( This run felt so great I was feeling sluggish on this day.. Plus, it was a Wednesday
RunHers group run day and I always enjoy running with great running friends.)
Thursday: Rest Day & Valentine's Day (I have the greatest hubby and I just love him so much.. He got me the best gifts and here they are..
Yippee, I don't have to mess with checking my distance on my phone anymore!!!
Plus, I have been trying is out on my last 2 runs of this week and I love it!!!
Oh yes, mama has been wanting one of these!!! I will have happy feet from now on..
Alright, I have been drooling over these for Sparky Soul headbands for a while now,
but they are a little on the pricey side for me (I'm a thrifty shopper and don't like to send a lot of money especially on myself) .. Luckily, I have amazing hubby that spoils me..
Here's a pic of me sporting my new headband..
I love that is sparkly all the way around the headband
and it doesn't slip off your head like some headbands do..
Friday: Cardio & Core Countdown workout & 7.14 miles in 1:15 hr {I tried out a new
Cardio & Core Countdown workout from Coach Sara this morning.. My run was a easy but hilly one.. I had a great friend join me on the run which made it so much more fun to test out a new route for my
RunHers group.. Here's the awesome workout I did...}
Cardio & Core Countdown
10 Burpees
10 Russian Twists each side
9 Burpees
10 Push Ups
8 Burpees
10 Leg Lifts
7 Burpees
10 Spiderman Back Extensions
6 Burpees
10 Vups
5 Burpees
10 second One Leg Plank Hold
4 Burpees
10 Second Side Plank Hold with knee Crunch- Right
3 Burpees
10 Second Side Plank Hold with knee Crunch- Left
2 Burpees
10 Slow Crunches
1 Burpee
10 Bicycle Crunches
Saturday: 7.15 miles in 1:14 hr {Well, my legs are a bit tired from yesterday's 7 miler but it felt good
to get another 7 miles under my belt.. Plus, I got to run with the all the
RunHers ladies and that always makes for a great run..
Sunday: Rest day
Phewww, sorry for the lengthy post, but I'm so glad to be caught up on my training.. Plus, I'm looking forward to a great Week 7 (hope it's a great one), and I can't wait to share it with all of you later.. Until I return I would love to hear from you..
Did you get any running related gifts on Valentines day?
What do you do when you have a bad training week?
Happy Running,
Amanda :0)