Monday, January 18, 2016

Off Track but Keeping It Together

Okay runners, it's week 2 of my training and that means I have another training week under my belt  {even if it wasn't the greatest}.  My whole house came down with my stomach bug {not a fun time at all}. So, my training had to take a back seat to taking care of my family such I wouldn't have it another way.. Once I got everyone well I have really struggled with motivation. It was been so hard to get out the door {I could think of a hundred reasons not to go}. The one thing that has really helped me is listening to music especially since I have been running solo lately. I'm usually an unplugged to music runner. I broke myself from listening to music about 2 years ago and it has really helped me be more aware of my body/surrounding. In case you don't know what unplugged means it's when you run with no music/ headphone or it can mean you run without electronics tracking your run. As the week has come to an end I am looking forward to a more productive week 3. I'm also looking forward to the Volleyball season starting at work{I think it will be great cross training for me}.

Look at these pitiful kiddos.

Training Week 2


3 mile run { No Butt Challenge! I'm a slacker, lol)



2 mile tempo run and Butt Challenge {35 squats/20 bridges/25 lunges}

 Butt Challenge {40 squats/20 bridges/30 lunges}

6.2 (10 K) mile run, ab workout (15 min),
 and Butt Challenge {40 squats/25 bridges/30 lunges}

{Here's a look at my training plan.}

How is your running going?
What do you do for cross training?

Happy crafty running,
Amanda :)

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Another Half and Many Miles To Go

Hey running friend, hope your having a happy Runday. Well, I have signed up for my first Half of the year and I'm into the second week of my training.The race I'm running is a women only Half and it's called the Go Girl Half Marathon. I ran this race last year and it was an amazing event. The  medal I received is the biggest medal I have received so far. Plus, you get a great wine glass full of a super yummy green smoothly when you cross the finish. Just click HERE to check this race out. 

So, here is how my training has gone so far.

Training Week 1:

1 mile run, ab workout (15 min.), Butt Challenge {25 squats/10 bridges/15 lunges}

3 mile run and Butt Challenge {30 squats/10 bridges/20 lunges}

1 mile run and Butt Challenge {30 squats/15 bridges/20 lunges}

2 mile run and Butt Challenge {35 squats/15 bridges/20 lunges}



5 mile run and Butt Challenge {35 squats/20 bridges/25 lunges}

Weekly Total:
12 miles

Summery of my week:
This training week had it up and downs. I started the new year with a move 1 mile for 40 day challenge and a 30 day butt challenge. All was good until the 8th day of my challenges I came down with a terrible 24hr stomach bug (so I was down for 2 days, blah). So, I tried to kick things back off again on Sunday and got in a much needed long run{5 miles}, ab workout, and day 8 of my butt challenge. Now, week one is in the books and ready to start week 2.

Have you signed up for any races?
Are you trying a new challenge?

Running Wishes
Amanda :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Good Bye 2015 and Hello to Running 2016

Hello everyone in blog land!! I hope your 2016 is off to a great start. So, let me start with a quick recap of my 2015. I really struggled in 2015 trying to fine a good balance between family, working full time, and running. Here are a few of my accomplishments of the year.

5K (1) Brookhaven
Relay(1) OKC Marathon {very first relay}
Half Marathons(3) Go Girl Half, Showdown Half, and Tinker Air force Half

Oh, best of all I qualified and became a Half Fanatic, YIPPEEE!!!! {because I am defiantly a half crazy kind of girl, lol}

So, lets move on to 2016 shall we! I have a the following goals I would like to obtain this year.

1. Find some balance between working, family, and running
 {Oh, I can't forget not to the long breaks from running between training season} . 

2. Cross Train, Cross Train, Cross Train!! 
{maybe if I say it 3 times I will stick to it. I girl can hope,lol.}

3. Stay injury free {fingers crossed}

4. Cut back on some social media 
{reconnect with my family and myself}

5.Be better at documenting my running journey 
{ I won't lie this one will be one of the hardest for me}.

Alright , those are my goals and know it's time to get to work!!

How was your 2015??
Do you have any running/other goals for 2016?

Running wishes
Amanda :)