Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hello Again Pavement

Well, it felt great to have the pavement under my feet tonight... I had some unexpected time off this week (Hubby sick day one, day 2 I came down sick :0/ ).. So, I have some miles to make up now, but on the bright side I am officially registered for the Route 66 1/2 Marathon (WOO HOO!!).. I really need to work on making every one of my runs count and staying strong to the end.. Tonight's run was pretty good (there were soon tough times but for the most part pretty good) and I tried a new route too.. The route I tried had some hills (Yuck!! hills are not a friend of mine but I need to do them..) and I keep trying new places to keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone.. So, training run #5 in done and I'm so glad I pushed myself :0)

My Run
4.05 miles in 42:39

Happy Running
Amanda :0)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

1/2 Marathon Training has begun!

Sorry it's been a while since I posted. Things have been a little crazy lately around my house but I have started my 1/2 marathon training this week.. I'm following the 16 or 12 week RunHers training plan and I really think I need  the 16 week to prepare since this is my very first 1/2 marathon (Nov. 18th).. If you would like to check it out just click HERE..  So, today I finished my 4th training run and I had a little bit of a hard time finding my groove.. The weather was nice, but a little windy (at some points I felt like a cartoon character that was running so hard and not going anywhere, LOL).. Plus, I had little toe injury earlier this week ( darn rocks just don't watch were they are sitting) and it has made my runs this week just tad bit painful.. Yet, I kept a pretty good pace today ( all thing considered) and I just kept pushing myself.. 

Today's Run:
Tough but finished strong
4.03 miles in 40:27  

4.03 miles in 44:52

3.07 miles in 37:53

3.25 miles in 42:52

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Midnight Streak 5K

Well, I have kind of been in a running slump lately.. My daughters birthday was last weekend and I was so busy party planning it made it hard to fit in my runs.. Then, this week I just couldn't find my running  mojo :0/ .. Last night I ran in my 4th 5K (the Midnight Streak) and I set a goal for myself (I wanted to run the whole race without stopping).. Well, I have to tell you it was a tough run.. I really wanted to stop some many times but I reached down deep pushed past my doubt.. I was almost in tears after I crossed the finish line because I was so proud of my self for reaching my goal of not stopping!!!  Now, I hope that my great race will bring back my running mojo.. 

Yeah, I also got some new running socks..
I wore the pirate ones to the race.. They are just of fun :0)

My Official Race Time
3.10 miles in 31:15
Happy Running
Amanda :0)