Monday, August 18, 2014

Low Miles, a Little Cross Training, and Everything in Between

Well, another training week has came and gone (it has been by far my worst week of training). Thing just didn't fall were I wanted them to this week and partly do to  my lack of motivations( the other part medical). I did start the week out optimistic and then it just quickly unraveled (short story I just let things get in my way). I know these types of weeks are going to happen from time to time but I must confess my inner Negative Nancy has surely gotten the best of me this week. "This next will be a better one and I'm going to get the miles in ," I have to keep telling myself this when I get down on myself. Now, I just have to stop wishing for it to happen and start working for it.

Here,  a little look at how my week went.

I got a great 4 miler in with one my best sole sisters. It's always an awesome time when we get to run together.

Doctors appointment and Story/Library time with my kiddos

I tried out this awesome medicine ball interval workout and
 it had me working up a sweat super quick. Here's the link if you would like to
check it out { Medicine Ball Workout }

I had planned on running with a friend but it got cancelled..
 So, I just couldn't motivate myself to get out there and run (epic fail on my part!).

I had another Doctors appointment were they did an Echo done and got  hooked up to
this bad boy for 48hrs (So, there went my weekend long run!). It was also back to school 
night for my kiddos and I got to meet their teachers

Since my long run was out of the equation I just hung out with my kiddos and then that evening we all went ice skating for the first time. I think we will be spending a lot of time at the rink from know on. It was a great workout and the kid had a blast (aren't those little walkers the cutest). 

No Run or Cross Training 
(just couldn't make myself get out the door) 
I did work on this blog post and watched my kiddos play n the pool :0)

Well, in the words of Porky Pig "That's all Folks!" for this last week anyways, lol.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read my post.

So, what kind of cross training have you been doing?
Have you ever had a really bad training week? 

Happy Running,

Amanda :0)

Monday, August 11, 2014

A Tough and Busy 2 Weeks

Okay, I know it's been 2 weeks since the last time I posted and  I'm already falling behind on keeping my blog updated. Please be patient with me it's been a crazy busy and tough 2 weeks but hopefully things will settle down now some at least. 

So, let me start with the tough stuff first. Last week I went to the cardiologist to just get checked out since I have been having some heart flutters since about February. So, now I am waiting on further testing and result to see what is going on with me.. They are thinking I have a dual electric system in my heart (a normal heart only has one electric system and they think mine may have an extra one) and that's what is causing my flutters. The doc did say I have been cleared to run (for now :0/ ) since the flutters only happen when I'm resting. Well, I have been taking it easy on my runs but my long run have me struggling because I'm over thinking everything I'm feeling (I hate not knowing exactly whats going on with me.). It has me really down that my training season is already off to a bad start but I know my health is an important part of me even being able to run so I need to take care of myself..   

Well, here's a few pics of some of the thing I've been up to the past to weeks...

Got to run the streets in downtown OKC with my love.  My pace wasn't where I wanted it to be but it was a lot of fun to explore the downtown on foot. Plus,I found I really cool library I want to take the kiddos to now..

 My hubby spotted this awesome saying on our downtown run
 and I had to get my picture taken with it
(I couldn't help my self I just had to photo shop it) .

 Now, this is my idea of a post long run meal (yum!).
 "Breakfast of Champions!"

 I got to take my little man on a little rundate. 
It's so much fun to run with him.
So, who said runners have to have ugly toe nails?
I thought mine turned out cute for an at home pedicure, lol. 

Oh ya, I didn't take a picture of my long run this past week. I had a really bad run and was not happy with  myself at all.. I feel like I have been in a slump these past 2 weeks and I can't get out of it. I know I should be proud that I got out there and put the miles in the bank (it's just hard for me to get down on myself. Honestly, I'm  a" Negative Nancy" because I'm really bad about negatively talking to myself.). Oh, I've been slacking on my cross training too. I have a hard time making cross training a priority but I need too.

So, how is your training or running going?

So, are you a "Negative Nancy" when you are having a tough run or are you someone that looks on the bright side?

Happy Running,

Amanda :0)