Wednesday, April 10, 2013

3 Weeks to Half and March Wrap Up

Wow, I can't believe we are in the 2nd week of April already (I guess time flies when your training hard, lol).. So, March was a crazy month for me.. I got a knee injury (inflammation on the inside of my knee where my hamstring attaches at the bone. It caused this annoying pulling sensation when a ran and it was tender/sore after my runs, no fun) which halted my runs for a week (BLAH!), but after seeing a doctor after a week of no progress I was cleared to run (YIPPEE!).. Well, kind of I really had to push my self and my runs where tough with a bum leg..  Thankfully, know that injury is on the mend for the most part, but starting a week ago I started getting pain in my left heel (I just can't win this training season).

So, here are my totals for the month of March:
Workouts {3}
Races { 2 }

Here are a few pics of the Month

 This is at the Run Lucky 5K. ( I was just I little excited, he he he)

 My race bling!

My new favorite snack!
 (oops, I just drooled on the keyboard looking at this pic)

 This is a shot of my 10 mile training run at Draper Lake. 
It was beautiful out there.

Well, I'm in the 3 week slow down of my training and I am full of all kinds of emotions. Since I am coming back from an injury my body is wanting to run more and then I am also nervous about how I'm going to do in my 1/2 marathon (you know did I train hard enough, are my breaks from my injuries going to hurt my time, will I be able to beat my PR, and so on....)  Well, last weeks was my last high mile week of my training (will it was suppose to be anyways).. Here's how it went:

Monday: No Run (severe back pain blew my chances to run out of the water , blah)

Tuesday:No Run ( back pain still)

Wednesday: No Run (back feeling better but crazy weather. Thanks mother nature!)

Thursday: Bob Harpers Extreme Cardio Workout & 6 miler ( Felt great to get out but running 6 miles after my workout my  legs/ butt were feeling the burn for sure..)

Friday: No Run

Saturday: 11 miles (This is my last long run before the half. My legs were really sore/tired but it was such a beautiful morning for a run.. I had some tough miles for sure but it was a great run..
 Here's a few pics of the day:

 This is a shot of mt campus run.
This is one of my favorite running spots.

Then, I finished my run will a yummy
 post run parfait and coffee of coarse..

Sunday: Rest Day (my heel was pretty sore after this run..)

 Good bye week 13 and I will tell you all about week 14 soon..
  So, until then I would love to here from you ;0)
Have you suffered a training set back or injury?
Do you have any favorite running spots?

Happy Running,
Amanda :0)